Thursday, November 18, 2010


My computer-repairman says the virus on my laptop fried its hard-drive.  And, in addition to having to replace the drive, I need to buy (and wait for delivery of) recovery disks.  Darn!

I'm going through outfit-post withdrawal.  I can't load photos onto this borrowed computer and I lost all the pictures on my laptop.  I have to wait another week for the recovery disks, so there won't be any outfit-posts until then.

There is good news, though... I asked for a new camera for Christmas and expect to get it.  It's a fancy digital-SLR made by Nikon.  With all the photography I've been doing this year, I figured I really should upgrade from the point-and-shoot camera I've been using.  I used to shoot pictures with a film-SLR so I'm familiar with manual controls.  The higher quality this new camera is capable of will make my outfit-shots look better and that stokes me big-time.  Blogging has added so much joy to my life that I want to keep making it better.

What holiday gifts are you asking for?


  1. Sorry about the computer debacle, that sucks. I enjoy your posts even without the outfits. I do miss the outfit posts though. I am asking for Shoes, Shoes and more Shoes for Christmas lol.

  2. TIP #1: Add a remote shutter release to your Christmas list. MUCH easier than the self timer. You'll have a blast with that one.

  3. Aw, yay for new camera!! At least your outfit pics are saved here, instead of lost with your hard drive!

    I would LOVE a fancier camera. But we don't shop for each other for the holidays, and no one else would spend that kind of money on me! Maybe for my birthday...

    The older I get, the less things I can think of that I want.

  4. I'm with you, Emma, on the shoes!

    Good tip, TM. I've always wanted one of those.

    Freeda, don't say "no one" -- tell me what you want and I'l get it for you. (I'll bet you think I'm kidding but I'm not: I cherish our friendship.)

  5. lol, you are sweet, but I prefer the intangibles to loot! :) You give me a lot already. I don't think you know how much your graciousness and openness inspires everyone you touch.

  6. I'm battling to get my brain to accept how close the holidays are.

    My wishlist ... clothes clothes clothes and shoes shoes shoes ... and a new closet to house them in. I've almost saved up the money for my replacement camera (my big baby is the Nikon D70 - which I hope to replace with a D90 next year) ... but I'm longing for a new hairstyler and a clothes steamer - I love practical gifts and gifts for my home.

    I'd also like a silver watch - big and bulky one.

    Hmmmm ... and lots of happiness and for my dd to come home and visit (but that's been postponed and we have no idea when it will happen now).

    Ultimate gift in all honesty would be - tickets to Houston to see my daughter for her birthday ;-) or for her to be home for Christmas. (I still have not broken the news to the younger ones that she's not coming over in December).

    Have a great evening :-)

  7. Wow, sorry to hear about the laptop. I understand your outfit post withdrawal. I certainly had it when my laptop got stolen. Hope this all gets sorted out soon.

    I really hope you get the Nikon DSLR! I'm so excited for you already. I know I love mine to pieces!

  8. Thank you, Freeda and Alyse.

    Wendy, your response is heartbreaking. I hope your family gets a chance to reunite soon.

  9. My computer contents (GBM 12 year old laptop) died 3 years ago - I have never been the same since .... it's a loss.
    For Christmas, I do not even know what to ask for. Before I loved this holiday but now I have mixed feelings.
    My family is not close and it feels extremely lonely for the holidays, plus my husband's family is not close either. So, we are pretty much on our own.
    His dad had a stroke last year and his mom has advanced liver cancer, so it gets difficult.
    My favorite part is the food and getting dressed, but at the end we really have nowhere to go.
    Oh, going back to what I want this year, I am not sure... I have been eyeing a bag so that could be it.

  10. In my family we are too impatient to actually wait til the holidays to share gifts. My husband got me an I-pod touch so I could learn Irish on it with a little Irish program.

    I am hoping to get some new coffee mugs, and I want a special museum book about drawing.

    I am more concerned about what to get everyone else! I got my mother an easel, but I don't know what I want to get my husband, brother and father.

  11. What's with computers lately! Mine has been in and out of the shop, my boyfriends got fried from a power surge, and now yours? Really what's up! I'm glad you will be able to recover your stuff!

    Oh what do I want... I don't know! Money for a wedding I guess, haha

