Monday, April 1, 2019

Big News!

I have big news! I'm so excited I could burst!

Last month I auditioned for the Radio City Music Hall Rockettes, a wonderful troupe of skilled precision dancers who delight audiences every year. I kept my audition quiet because very few dancers get chosen and I didn't want to raise up anyone's hopes.

As part of their diversity out-reach program, the Rockettes are willing to overlook the fact that I'm publicly-male and older than dirty. They say as long as I stay on beat and am willing to wear sparkly outfits, I'll fit in. My biggest strength is the tone and shape of my legs which impressed the judges. Rehearsals start next week.

Here's a pic of me on the way to audition...


  1. Such a cute click, I love your dress.Totally in love with the second picture.
    I hope you have a happy Monday <3

  2. Happy April Fool's, Ally, you prankster! Ha! Although because you have such great gams, it's totally believable!!

  3. Ha ha! April Fools you lovely long legged woman!


  4. LOL you're funny. I'm not much for April Fools, but I enjoy a cute prank like this. :)

  5. Very cute! but they would be right about your legs!

  6. You had me fooled. Lol I was coming over here to exclaim Well done, but then realized it’s april fools. Dammit. Lol
    You look fabulous as always.:)

  7. For a minute there, you had me fooled, Ally. Then it dawned on me it was April 1st. But I can definitely see you riding your bike dressed like that. You do need a pink helmet! xxx

    1. The bit about the Rockettes is a joke but the photo is real! It was taken in 2011 with a few friends driving beside me with a camera. There's a link on the right side of my blog to the post: "I Dare You."

  8. This was such a cute April Fool's- and honestly, you DO have great legs so you could be a Rockette! :)

    Le Stylo Rouge

  9. What?? I am SO EXCITED for you! What fun that must have been. I remember watching their holiday specials and thinking how neat it would be to dance on stage like that. So glad you got the opportunity, friend!

  10. Lolol!! Your awesome legs would certainly fit right in. ;) you certainly already captured their model worthiness.

  11. I KNEWWWW as soon as I read the first sentence that this was your April Fool's joke as I know you are the absolute BIZZ at April Fools. What did you do to Robin this year!?x

  12. Thought of you on April 1st and wondered what you were up I know! Prankster. Just adore this photo on the bike. It is so cute and naughty. Just gorgeous! But how do you ride in heels?!! xo Jazzy Jack

    1. With difficulty! I almost crashed doing this photo-shoot. Seriously.

  13. I love the incongruity of the dress, hose and heels on the bike

    1. Exactly. That's what makes the picture work.

  14. Yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!

    Love the photo!!!!
