Wednesday, June 20, 2018

More WG Photos

I didn't want to overwhelm you Monday with Watkins Glen photos so I limited their number. Here are a few more. The pictures are beautiful to look at as they display the majesty of nature.


  1. Personally, I can always look at more pictures. Of course, this comes from the woman who does "bigass" posts on a regular basis!

    I love seeing your pictures - these are so beautiful.

  2. That waterfall, though! How pretty!

    Le Stylo Rouge

  3. A beautiful part of the state and you caught some decent weather. The Southern Tier (that section of rt 17 that you took from Bingo to Elmo is known as the Southern Tier Highway) is that part of the continental US with the fewest hours of actual sunlight over the course of a year. The weather is often rainy or overcast.

    1. Guess I was lucky: it was sunny and pleasant.

  4. Beautiful and looks very serene...
