Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Flowers & Birds

I visited Planting Fields Arboretum in Oyster Bay, NY today. It's free and uncrowded this time of year.

Some of these flowers look like animals. Which do you like the most?


  1. Plants can be so...alien.

    Canada geese are horrible birds. Nasty poop machines.

  2. Some of them do look very creepy indeed! Isn't nature wonderful? xxx

  3. One of them resembles the stumps you lost in your last photography outing. Well, maybe without the spikes.

  4. so many beeautiful plants!
    have a great weekend,

  5. Lovely flowers. Among flowers, I like the first photograph (orchid) the most. I also really like the photograph of those flying geese. Gorgeous birds, I love how strong willed their are. They can be quite aggressive too- one needs to be quite careful about them when they are nesting or defending what they consider their territory.

  6. The third plant has a bit of a "rude" look to it. LOL!

    I'm partial to the red leafy guy. Plants can be so alien.

  7. I LOVE plants and gardening so I like them all. It's still winter and most things have died back but I've been exploring the plant nurseries in anticipation lol

    We live just outside Portland, OR too and they have wonderful arboretums that I still want to visit. They are pretty in the off season too.

    Karen @For What It's Worth

    1. Because it's Winter, I didn't expect to find flowers at the arboretum but their greenhouse was filled.

  8. So cool! There's an orchid that looks like a monkey, I've always wanted to see one in person.

  9. Okay, not gonna lie, as someone who has a lifelong fear of large spiders (even just saying or reading the "T" word is enough to give me literal nightmares sometimes), the plant that resembles one here gave me a quite a fright.

    Nevertheless, I think it - like all of the others that you featured here - is incredibly cool!

    Autumn Zenith šŸŽƒ Witchcrafted Life
