Saturday, August 1, 2015

Car Eyelashes

I rode my motorcycle today to Port Jeff. It was a nice sunny day and Port was crawling with tourists. Walking the street, I spotted a car with fake eyelashes. Really! Don't believe me? Pics below.




  1. How cute! I've seen those on VW Beetles before.

  2. That's so cute and it really suits that car. I love little squat looking cars like VW bugs, Mini Coopers and this Kia. I love my Mazda but it's not cute. xoxo

  3. How fun! It totally works for that car.

  4. we see this a lot here on mini coopers :)

  5. Someone in my apartment block has a silver car like that, with eyelashes. I posted a photo on my Instagram feed ages ago, I thought it was so cute on cold winter morning...

  6. Some one at the T@B camper rally we were just at had these lashes on their car too. I was tempted to apply mascara to them.

  7. These are super cute!!! I've seen them once or twice in person and think they're just the most darling things. If I drove and had my own car, I would totally want a pair!

    Have a great day, Ally!
    ♥ Jessica

    *PS* Thank you very much for your wonderfully nice recent blog comments. I really appreciate them!

  8. When I had the beetle I wanted to get them.. but never got to it.

  9. Yes I see these on small vehicles fairly often now, so Cute! Makes me think of the Truly Nolan Pest VW's that had the Mouse Tail and Ears... LOL Dawn... The Bohemian

  10. Oh my lord. This is a driver after my own heart. And yours too, I think! If only we could hear the horn! ;)

  11. There's a bright pink new-style Mini around here with huge eye lashes. I don't get it myself, too flamboyant for me. But the bloke who drives the car obviously likes them and that's all that matters :)

  12. Hahaha Wow! Car eyelashes, I want some so much now I have seen this.

  13. i have seen those before--usually on VW bugs, and I think they're adorable.
