Sunday, May 17, 2020

A Life

I just read a great story (here).

John Olson is a lobsterman in Maine. He's 97 years old. He's been catching lobsters since 1938. John still goes out on his boat every day; his only help is his son Sam who's 72. In terms of physical strength, John chops 100 cords of wood every Winter.

During WWII John's war-boat was blown up. He survived. In peacetime, John was close friends with famous painter Andrew Wyeth who's now buried in John's family cemetery. Wyeth's most famous painting -- which you've seen -- depicts John's aunt Christina in the field at John's house. The painting is called "Christina's World."

What a life!


  1. What an inspiring chap. I adore stories like this. To make it not only to that venerable age point-blank, but to be able to remain so active and able to make the best of life well into your 90s is a blessing beyond measure. We should all be so lucky!

    Thank you so much for sharing, Ally. This article was a highly enjoyable read.

    Autumn Zenith 🧡 Witchcrafted Life

    1. Happy to share positive news. Stay well, my friend.

  2. That is a great Story and John and Same's stamina certainly eclipses mine and I'm much Younger, I blush!

  3. What a cool story, I love things like this!

  4. A great story, and a stunning painting as well! Thanks for sharing, Ally. xxx

  5. I have always loved that painting. It's so full of emotion.

  6. I read this story too and it makes such an impact. I wish they make familiar with the story before seeing the painting. Thanks for reminder Ally, I enjoyed it a lot.
    P.S. wishing you a great week!

  7. Wow!!! My goodness, he's done well!!!
