Saturday, December 18, 2021


I'm awarding myself a medal for accomplishing something today I fretted about for weeks -- personally transporting a fragile, four-foot tall glass artwork from a NYC gallery to my Long Island home. In the rain no less. I used a U-Haul cargo van, plenty of muscle and extremely careful attention.

Nothing focuses the mind more intensely than the prospect of a six-figure loss happening faster than you can say, "Oops." 🙂

("Fenice" [Phoenix] by famed glass-blower Lino Tagliapietra)


  1. OMG, I would have had a heart attack! I'm so glad it made it in one piece, Ally. I can't wait to see it installed in your home (I hope you will share that with us). Gorgeous piece.

    1. Thanks. It, and other art I collect, are destined for my future playhouse (which will be separate from my home).

  2. So glad you got this fabulous work of art home in one piece, Ally. I'm not sure I could have coped with the suspense! xxx

  3. Whew! I was thinking about you today. So glad both you and the art made it back home in one piece. It's stunning.

  4. What a thrill ride that must have been! You've never backed down from a challenge.

  5. Phew Ally, glad you got it to it's destination safe and sound. You sure do deserve a medal for getting it there intact.

  6. Oooh that would be a nail biter lol

    Glad it all worked out!

    Karen @For What It's Worth

  7. Oh, Ally, it's resplendent! What a magnificently beautiful work of art. I can just imagine that immense sigh of relief you must have let out once it was safe and sound inside your home.

    May this wonderful piece bring you joy and inspiration everyday that you own it.

    Autumn Zenith 🧡 Witchcrafted Life
