Monday, November 22, 2021

Hair Curlers

Believe it or not -- there are credible news reports (here) that young women in South Korea are wearing hair curlers IN PUBLIC. With no shame or remorse. In fact, to the contrary, they're doing it with a sense of gender pride and style. The most popular use is with bangs.

What do you think? Are you as aghast as older Koreans at this new trend?


  1. I don't need my bangs/fringe that curled, so I won't be participating. I can see why this is popular - it's so "forbidden" to show the behind-the-scenes in women's beauty. I bet if they didn't have to wear masks, they'd have moisture masks on!

    1. You're right -- the taboo aspect of it heightens the appeal.

  2. Hahaha, I think it's great. Do what you wanna do, wear what you wanna wear. No harm, no foul!

  3. Where I live (Meseyside,UK) it's quite normal to see young women on a Saturday afternoon driving around in their cars with hair rollers in. I can only assume it's in preparation for a Saturday night out.

  4. I guess this is a cool and funny trend thanks for share this with us

  5. Takes some getting used to, but why not? I won't be joining in any time soon though :-) xxx

  6. I quite often see girls with curlers in on the train! I'm far too lazy to do anything to my hair!

  7. Cool trend, I remember J.Lo rocking a similar look for one or two of her music videos.

  8. What a cool idea! I am immediately struck by how the style of wearing a single curler at the front of the head largely resembles a classic mid-century type of fringe called bumper bangs.

    Autumn Zenith 🧡 Witchcrafted Life

  9. That's a pretty funny trend! I hadn't seen it so thanks for sharing!
