Friday, August 8, 2014


Modern society teaches us to be selfish.  To hoard what we have.  To ignore others.

I believe happiness is found in the opposite direction -- in sharing.  When I share what I have with others, I feel good about myself.  Sharing builds social connections and generates good feelings.  Even totally altruistic sharing has positive effects. 

I'm not alone in believing this.  Emerging research in the newly-recognized field of "positive psychology" finds humans benefit from sharing.  We're social animals by nature and get a chemical high in our brains when we act cooperatively with others.

I make a conscious choice to incorporate sharing into my life.  The practice makes me feel good.  Often I need an emotional boost in my life and this provides it.

Do you share?  How do you feel when you do?

This cute costume was lent to me by a sweet friend (Fuzzy).


  1. You look great I love that costume. I'm all for sharing unfortunately I am a bit of a over sharer, well that's what some people say.

  2. A. I LOVE that costume on you. It looks great.

    B. I've been thinking quite a bit about sharing/detachment from possessions. Have you studied Buddhism much? The whole concept of detachment from earthly possessions being the gateway to inner piece has always interested me, but I'm far too sentimental to ever adhere to any of it. I don't know about you, but my favorite items are those I have projected a very personal meaning upon.

    Hope you had a great week!


    1. Good response. Yes, I have studied Buddhism and find some value in its tenets but ultimately didn't adopt them. Objects can be bad for us but only if we invest them with meaning. Like you, I choose to see objects for their personal meaning and cherish them as such.

  3. Wonder Woman! That costume looks great on you.
    I share, unless it's one of my special things, like Grandma's jewelry or my Doctor Who dvds. Then I'm a bit of a brat. Otherwise, what's mine is yours.

  4. I like your Wonder Woman costume much more than the one I've seen in the promotional photos for the new Superman/Batman movie. Wonder Woman doesn't wear brown.

  5. I couldn't agree more. Sharing is so important for ourselves as well as others.


  6. You can share my biscuits...!

  7. Ka-pow! You are a kickass Wonder Woman, Ally!

    I'm big on sharing, especially with possessions. I love to give away things, including clothes and books and jewelry. I'm less good at emotional sharing, after learning to bottle up my emotions when I was younger. I've gotten better at it, and I'm extremely thankful that I have very understanding friends (and a husband) who help me with it.

  8. You certainly are my favourite Super Hero!!!!!

    I share all the time ... If I have something that you can benefit from then I happily would give it to you! I bless others all the time and it feels good.

  9. Speaking of sharing...I got that soap in the mail today! I love scents that are a little more masculine than fruity/flowery, so that pine scent was right up my alley. Thank you!!

    1. Glad you like it. I've grown to love that aroma.

  10. I loooove sharing and gift giving. If was were rich, most of my money would go towards buying other people stuff! I can't stand to see people want or even worse, NEED. I want to make sure everyone has everything they desire.

    1. That's my attitude, too. I like you, Hollie!

  11. I love to share - it makes my heart feel good! And speaking of sharing - I received your sweet package in the mail - you are just the nicest! Thank you so much! <3

  12. yes, i love to share, volunteer, help others. if i could only get my kids to understand this concept, lol!!

    $300 Sephora GIVEAWAY

  13. I've been reading a lot on becoming a minimalist, there's a guy who blogs about it and give really good advice.
    Sometimes we're so caught up on stuff we want that we forget to njoy what we have.
