Friday, August 31, 2012

Blasts From The Past

One of my favorite bloggers and real-life friends is Fuzzy Galore.  Isn't that the cutest name?!  Well, Fuzzy just invited us to do something I applaud -- highlight five of our best old posts so new readers can find them.

This solves a problem I've complained about before.  The structure of blogs -- i.e., their chronological scroll -- hides our past work in the deep recesses of computer-memory.  New readers rarely unearth those gems which sit neglected in obscurity, like unworn diamonds.

Fuzzy suggests we compile a list of five old posts that mean something to us and offer them to the world for a new look.  Great idea.  Fuzzy, you're as bright as you are beautiful.  :-)

Here are my five, with a little explanation:

1. Before I came here, I started my blogging life on the outdated forum of Live Journal.  One or two of you discovered me way back then, but only a few of you know about those humble beginnings.  I migrated here because pictures on LJ looked awful due to the site's technical limitations.

My earliest posts possess the uncertainty and nervous apprehension of most inaugural work.  That anxiety was particularly heightened by the fact that I was, for the first time, revealing my transgendered nature in public.  To the WORLD.  With unknown consequences on my life, my career, my happiness.

I worried about what was ahead of me if I pursued this path -- but I knew from five decades of experience what was going to happen if I didn't summon my courage and push forward -- i.e., more of the same.  More regret about a life not lived, more hidden longing for female experience, and more sadness about not being seen for who I am.  That bleak prospect urged me to venture bravely into the dark unknown.

I expressed these thoughts, for the first time in public, here.

2. My first outfit-post.  Ever.  Of course I look bad, but that shouldn't obscure the significance of my posting these pictures publicly for anyone to see.  With this post, I pushed open a door to a Brave New World.  And never looked back.  Here

3. The Prom Project.  Most of you have seen this before, so I won't elaborate on it beyond saying the post was HUGE in my growth as a blogger and a person.  Making the post taught me I can pursue my dreams.  Showing the post taught me there are compassionate people out there willing to accept and befriend me.

4. I blew another door open, with increasing confidence, when I posed naked on the Internet.  NAKED.  On the INTERNET.  Here

5. In recent times, I've achieved a profound level of happiness mixing whimsy, joy and friendship to form a potent potion to cure my previous ailment.  Here is one example of many I've created doing this.  Here

Did you learn anything new about me?

If you want to participate in this project, go to Fuzzy's blog and she'll link to your blog.


  1. Aww, thanks for participating & for the nice words, babes.

    It's very interesting to me to see you write that you looked bad in your first outfit post. I think just the opposite. Granted maybe you seem a bit apprehensive and don't seem to have the same sparkle that you have now with your growing confidence.

    Your Prom Project post was just beautiful.

    I read every post ~ I'm proud to be your friend. You really kinda, you know... kick ass. <3

  2. Great selection of posts here. I agree, this is a great challenge from Fuzzygalore. You look amazing in the prom project post and I so love the riding the bike in the tutu shots - absolutely fantastic. I am now following your blog and look forward to seeing things as they appear from now on rather than relying on posts like this.

  3. This is great - I had not seen a few of these as I haven't been following you since the beginning (I probably didn't even know about blogs then (I'm slow)). Your blog is one of my absolute favorites and I think you're one of the most interesting people I've ever encountered (on the internet and in real life). I've officially changed my answer to the question "Who would you like to have dinner/lunch/a meal with, either living or dead?" from "ahhh... I don't know..." to "Ally a/k/a Shybiker". Just so you know. If you make it to Chicago, you should let me know so it can happen. Seriously.

    1. OMG! Thank you. And I'll make it to Chicago some day and treat you to dinner.

  4. you look awesome even in your first outfit post, i think!
    i didn't know you were friends with doe deere! (there was a link to an interview with her on one of your lj posts) that is so cool!

    1. Doe and I are close. She's coming back to NY next week for a visit and I plan to meet her.

  5. Hands down our favorite posts are the Prom Project (you looked like a princess in your gown) and when you posed naked. That takes some serious confidence to do that on the INTERNET!!! You did it so gracefully and beautifully.

  6. Oh, I forgot to say - I still have your bike tutu pic on my fridge :)

    1. Yay! It's my life's work to surprise people with oddity.

  7. Aww I remember your early days. I believe you commented on my blog a few times early on in MY early days and I found you on livejournal. I'm not sure if I was ever brave enough to post a comment. I'm still rather embarrassed by my livejournal name since I've had it for a very long time, so I stopped using for anything but reading communities. I still miss that kind of format in some of the newer social networking sites. The combination of public form and more "private" blog.

    I've been following you for a long time so I'm thrilled to be able to say I've seen all these posts before. I enjoyed re-reading them though. It's always great to remember our humble beginnings.

    1. I remember reading your blog long ago and being entranced by your personality and style. When you didn't respond to comments, I was disappointed but kept trying. You were worth extra effort. I'm really glad we became friends.

    2. Me too! I admit I didn't know how to use the blogger platform very well and only learned how to respond to comments via email within the past year. Thankfully I'm learning how to come out of my own shell and actually publish comments instead of deleting them out of misplaced anxiety. ;)

  8. I still like that first outfit! I would totally wear that.

    I notice that the five you chose are all about growth. That's awesome, because it really describes your blog in its purest form - as a vehicle for your personal growth.

    I wonder what my five are? I've gone back and deleted a lot of posts over time. I am never sure what I want "out there" and what I should censor.

    1. Sub "growth" with "overcoming fear", as I think more about it. Those are big boundaries, and you took a deep breath and then ran through them at breakneck speed. I love that about you.

    2. Thank you, freeda. You understand me remarkably well.

  9. I love this! So often, our best posts get lost in the midst of everything else on our blogs. It's also nice to see what you consider to be the most important.

  10. I had seen these posts... because i follow you since LJ :)
    My fave continues to be the prom project - oh and i had totally forgotten about the naked post.

  11. I agree with Fuzzy, your first outfit post doesn't look bad at all!

    Love all of these posts. They all show so much growth and courage. You are amazing.

  12. Ok. You know I just had to click on the "naked" post first! That was REALLY brave! Very tasteful Ally. I like it. I'll be sure to go back and see those other posts.
    Super idea that fuzzy had to highlight the 5 greatest posts.

  13. What a brilliant idea! I highlighted a few of my favourites when it was my blog bday because sometimes it may be hard to navigate the great ones. I will have to check out these posts if missed! Also, a great way to see how we've may have progressed as a blogger! Happy weekend. /Madison

  14. This is a wonderful idea. Photos do get buried. At first I started to collect each outfit post in one photo and put it in a separate page to my blog. But then I got tired of managing it and wanted to make my blog more simple.

    I loved reading your Prom post. The photos are lovely in the garden and I don't think your first outfit post is bad at all. I love that dress and enjoyed seeing more of your interior, kitchen, etc...

  15. Glad to have come across your blog! at this very post! a swell mini summary of your blog ventures and journey, seems very cathartic , I concur I see absolute zilch bad with your first outfit post, though haven't had the opportunity to glance over your new outfit posts to see the evolvement, just yet! :)

    cheers and thanks a bunch for visiting me!

  16. Oh Ally, thank you for doing this. When I first came across your blog, I read pretty far back, but some of these are new to me - what a treat to spend time with you via your especially important moments and chosen highlights!

  17. I enjoyed the earlier posts. Your first 'coming out' post was deep and personal. And I think you looked amazing in your first outfit post. Too bad the photos were not larger.
    The other posts I had NOT missed but it was nice to remember....

    1. Yes, the first post is the most personal one I've ever written and it was a watershed moment for me.

      In the first outfit post, you can enlarge the pictures by clicking on them.
