Tuesday, December 27, 2022


Grief whiplashes you back-and-forth unexpectedly. These past two weeks I've been sad, ecstatic, weepy, laughing, depressed and happy, sometimes all in the same day. Waves and waves of emotion.

All you can do is keep on surfin.' Right? :)


  1. Yup, pretty much. Like all emotions, grief isn't permanent (neither is happiness), and we just have to deal with that when it comes for us. I find this time of year hard - I miss my friends who've died, I miss my dad and my grandparents. They are all very much with us but moreso over the holidays.

    Hugs to you, honey.

    1. I'm glad you understand and I'm sorry for your losses. The holidays remind us of them, often acutely, and that brings pain. We have to consciously remember we were lucky to know those loved ones.

  2. Yes, waves and waves. With each roll of the tide, it changes. It... will lessen in time and it will change. The grief may mix with the love and memories you have.

    It's been decades and I still miss my sister.

    Wishing you an easy ride, given the circumstances 💜

  3. I understand you Ally, I really do. It's funny how grief can do that to us isn't it. Hang in there x

  4. It's never a linear thing- you really do have peaks and troughs but I do think times like Christmas can be even harder as these are times we strongly associate with family. Sending you a big hug Ally.xx
    P.S. thank you for the Christmas card which arrived! I am sorry, I didn't get around to sending any thins year!x

    1. Thanks for the nice words, Kezzie. Happy New Year.

  5. The waves of grief crash upon us without warning. It's hard. Sending big hugs your way.


  6. Very very normal. Sometimes you just gotta ride the wave. Scream, cry, laugh. Embrace it, distract it. Do whatever feels best.
