Wednesday, July 1, 2020

New York

We here in New York are taking the coronavirus seriously.

This is a real, un-edited, photo of the New York Public Library.


  1. Here in WI we are not. My town acts like everything is normal and it's really frustrating. I guess I'll never be able to eat in a restaurant again.

    1. Even when restaurants re-open, I won't want to go in either.

  2. I'm about to mask up and go get groceries. People, it is not that hard: mask, distance, wash your hands!

    1. You'd think that, wouldn't you, but many here don't do it. And some idiots object to simple precautions on "political" grounds -- as if the virus has a political goal.

  3. You're right to take things seriously! xxx

  4. Fun way of coping.

    Tennessee has done so poorly. I live just a haaaair north of the worst zipcode (like 3 streets up) for positive cases. I drive into another town and shop at the bougie grocery in hopes to stay healthy.

    At least as long as i can afford shopping there. Hard winter ahead.

  5. I miss going to NY. Last time I visited was las December.

  6. While one might be quick to smile upon seeing this, and there's nothing wrong with that, of course, I think that this image is a powerful representation of so-called "new normal" that is, in fact anything but, that has become our collective existence in 2020.

    Autumn Zenith 🧡 Witchcrafted Life
