Sunday, June 23, 2019

My Letter!

Outside magazine is one of my favorite periodicals. Not only does it focus on outdoor adventure but it does so with intelligence and insight. Recently the magazine expanded to cover social issues reflected in outdoor activity, like sexual harassment of female tour-guides at national parks.

Last month I wrote a letter to the magazine appreciating their support of a transgender rock-climber whose story is linked here. They published the letter in the new issue released today. Here's the page on which the letter appears followed by a close-up that's easier to read.


  1. Congratulations, Ally! When it seems like everything is fighting against equality and transgender rights, it's heartening to know that so many people (and publications) are also portraying individuals with care and support.

  2. Congrats on your letter being published! Outside is such a great magazine and I'm glad to know they are supporting and bringing awareness to transgender rights.

    Jill - Doused in Pink

  3. I'm so excited for you! What a great honour to have your letter printed in a mag you love so much!!! It was a super letter too!

  4. This is so awesome! Congratulations!

    Le Stylo Rouge

  5. Congrats on seeing your letter in print!

    Have you heard the new song by Taylor Swift? It's about all gender rights and I kind of love it. It's called, "You Need To Calm Down".


  6. Awww loved seeing your name in print, Ally!! Thank you for sharing with us! Also someone mentioned the new Taylor Swift song and it is wonderful but you must see the video that accompanies it. She ended her long standing feud with Katy Perry and the message is beautiful
