Friday, January 10, 2014

A New Idea

I'm always looking for new ideas.  Concepts to develop into fun projects.  I find the challenge of creating something new to be fulfilling.  That hard part is coming up with a good idea.

I just had one.  It occurred to me while watching a video this morning posted by one of my favorite bloggers, Thera.

This idea is this -- to create outfits inspired by different animals.  The outfits will be fairly-normal (in that you could wear them in public) but they will possess a distinctive animalism.  The outfits won't be costumes, but my makeup may be more extreme than one might wear to work.

An underlying genesis of this idea is my grave dissatisfaction with being limited to photographing myself indoors.  I want to go outside!  I want to pose in front of trees!  I want my skirt to flow on a swing!

My nosy neighbors make posing in my backyard troublesome, so I've asked a friend who has a beautiful backyard garden if she'd let me pose there.  She said yes, so that started me thinking about what I could wear in a garden.  Which morphed into what I could be in a garden.

My first idea is a butterfly.  Their multiple colors, their flitting beauty.  You may be surprised to learn I already own butterfly wings, which I've worn on the blog before.  Time to pull them out of the closet and strap them to a quasi-butterfly outfit.

A second idea is a cat.  Who doesn't like cats?  I can just picture myself painting whiskers on my face.

What do you think?  Would this work as a project?  Have you ever done anything similar?


  1. I guess I haven't done anything similar but I'm sure it will work when you want it to work. and butterflies and cats are great inspiration. another pretty easy one would probably be a leopard because most of us have something in leopard print anyway, you know. but good luck and lots of inspiration to you!

    Maikeni blogi - part of me

    1. Great idea! You're right -- we all have leopard-print clothing.

  2. Those are gorgeous butterfly wings. I love the idea of being inspired by animals, it's got me thinking of how different animals can be adapted into outfits.

  3. I think that any ideas to stimulate our creativity are great. I can really see why you chose butterfly. One of my favourite movies Bugs Life has the great line,

    "Heimlich: I'm finished! Finally I'm a beautiful butterfly."


    1. The transformation a butterfly goes through is something I particularly relate to.

  4. Thanks for leaving such a darling comment on my blog!
    I look forward now to a whole series of animal inspired outfits! :-)

    Have a great day,

  5. Using animals as outfit inspiration is brilliant.

  6. That is a thoroughly cool idea! I'm a huge animal fan myself and am definitely going to take some styling/inspiration cues from mother nature's creatures big and small now this year, too. Thank you for sharing this fab concept - your butterfly ensemble is gorgeous, dear Ally.

    ♥ Jessica

  7. :D :D :D This is me SMILING so big! This idea is fantastic. I think I need to send you some kitty ears. I'm so glad I could inspire you. That makes me so very happy.

    I photograph myself indoors a lot too. I want to take more outside, but I'm a night owl. I just got up at 4 pm, so that leaves little time to go outside. hehe. But, I'm trying really hard to be my authentic self this year, so filming and shooting at night is me.

    I can't wait to see all your fun outfits! yay!

  8. Can't wait to see how this project evolves. LOVE the butterfly wings.

  9. Love the idea and your butterfly wings :) I should figure out how to put together a reptile outfit :o ?

  10. Ooh! Too fun! From what I've seen/read, you definitely belong somewhere wonderful like a sweet garden, amongst the butterflies!

  11. I think that's a great idea! So many prints are inspired by the earth and so many designers looking to nature. I can't wait to see what you come up with!

  12. I love this idea! What fun to try to embody aspects of different creatures! These things tend to inspire me too. I'm glad you have a friend who will let you take some garden photos. How nice! Boo on your nosy neighbors too! ;-)

  13. What a cool idea! I love dress ups and I love the fact that people don't think that getting dressed in the morning is just that... dressing up! Can't wait to see what you come up with :)

  14. I think that sounds like lots of fun!! The butterfly wings especially.

  15. I think it sounds fun. I don't see why it wouldn't work. I always try out new projects to challenge myself and I usually learn something whether they work out the way I thought or not. Can't wait!
