Tuesday, January 29, 2013

What I See

I'm a visual person and "see" things as much with my mind as my eyes.  I relish visual images that are different or arresting.  Often, it is subtle aspects of an image that appeal to me, like the patina an object gets from age or natural patterns of wear on a wall.

On the other hand, I know what most blog-readers like to view -- and the number of comments here drops like a rock when I indulge myself with pictures that interest me but few others.  On the third hand (you have one of those, don't you?), it's my blog and I'll cry if I want to, cry if I want to...  You would cry too if it happened to you.  (Name that tune!)

Here are some photographs I took recently that I decided not to post 'cause I didn't think anyone would want to see them but, this morning,  I changed my mind (proving I really am a girl).  I'm posting them because *I* want to enjoy them.  Call me self-indulgent, call me selfish, just don't call me late to dinner.






  1. I like seeing your photos. You are quite a good photographer and take great pictures. Plus, it's your blog and you can do what you want to :) Heather

  2. Pretty pics! I like the one with the wheat (or other random grain) and the sky. Also: Rita's. Yum!

    Hey, it's your blog. Post whatever the hell you want! I used to post specifically to gain readers/feedback, but I've since decided that that's just not as much fun. This is your little corner of the Internet...it should feature whatever you want it to :)

    1. I used to feel the same way, Emma, but I realized blogging isn't my job, it's my hobby and it ought to be fun. The quantity of readers isn't as important to me as the depth of connection I make with those who share my vision. You are among them. Thank you for that.

  3. I always enjoy your photos! I think you capture a unique view of different things! I really love the top one with your shadow!

    PS - thanks for the kind words on my vlog, you are the sweetest.

    1. Thanks, Bethie. And your last statement is comically ironic: my "words" were written while yours, in the vlog, were actually spoken. And it was their spokenness that was so striking.

  4. Post whatchu want! Always! Because that's kind of the point of blogging- to get out what YOU need to get out. And sometimes commenting on posts like this doesn't seem, to me, totally necessary. You passed along a portion of your daily experience, I slowly scrolled through, grinned a little as each rolled by and there's not really words to do the soft, calm feelings of satisfaction any justice. I just look and enjoy. :)

  5. I like this idea. I think I'll take my camera with me the next time I go out. I often notice little things like this too.
    You've inspired me!

  6. You made me laugh! Now I have an ear worm ... cry if you want to! Great pictures. I think you have a few appreciative viewers here!

  7. I like these photos. I like anything that gives me an insight into another person's life. I like the very abrupt Season Over photo! Rarely do people want ice cream in the winter but still there might be a gentler way to say it!

  8. I the the pictures. I try thinking what you might have seen in them and why you clicked them. Its interesting.

    ∞ © tanvii.com ∞

  9. Aw...Rita's! I miss them so! Damn the midwest! I really like all your photos, especially the ones that suggest decay or abandonment.

    That sounded more morose than it should have. I really like the shadow one as well. I dig shadows.

    Enjoy your blog!! I do. >^-^<

  10. Ah, I liked these. Ally, you are the boss of your blog, post what you want! Does the Rita's sign mean they are closed now? I feel like stopping off there for a meal :-)

  11. I like seeing your photos! You always have a good eye and always share interesting parts of the world.

  12. I completely understand and am a very visually drive person, too. I've always been enamored with recording and drawing out the innate beauty that lies in seemingly ordinary items and scenes with my lens. There's a visual poetry to the art of taking photos and one which I think it's marvelous to spend time enjoying as often as possible. It's your world, why not record anything - and everything - in it that interests you.

    ♥ Jessica

  13. Is that you, looking rather like a dark, mysterious shadow gliding slowly up the steps? Oh man, now I just scared myself.

    It's your blog and your good eye. I love it.

  14. I like these.. the last one made me wonder how is THAT dream coming along ?

  15. I love these. They remind me of some pics I took of the NJ shore in the off season a few years ago. I love this.

  16. I really love the photo of the grass seed or wheat. That is beautiful!

  17. I'm loving your photo style!
    Silhouettes, pattern and textures really catch my eye and I take tons of pics like that myself! And food...I take lots of pics of food...

  18. HAHAHA the last one is so perfect. I really like that most of your photos are cropped into a square. Square compositions tend to be harmonious and well balanced. Great job!

  19. Just because we don't comment doesn't mean we aren't enjoying seeing the world through your eyes!

  20. "It's My Party (and I'll Cry If I Want To)" is now stuck in my head. I actually did a dance to that song for an elementary school talent show. Yes, I wore a poodle skirt too. :)

    You should always post what you want to post. You can't please everyone.

  21. I love this, I was just thinking yesterday that beauty can be found -anywhere- all you have to do is open your mind along with your eyes. I love the rawness of some of these shots and the sweet simplicity of others. Photo # 4 is outstanding!

    As far as posting for reader approval... meh. Post for you, this is your place. Truthfully, the only thing I do to appease readers is curb my mouth (there's a sailor trapped inside of me that just loves to drop the f-bomb).

    I like the fact that you are open, I wish more people were.

    Btw, thank you for your sweet comment over at Southern Blog Society! :)

  22. "I changed my mind (proving I really am a girl)."

    One of my favorite things you have ever said!!

    And sometimes you just have to do what makes you happy. People will pick up on that vibe, even if they don't appreciate what you're doing as much as you do.

  23. Lesley Gore 1963 "with It's my Party".
    Great photos and you always comment that I'm good with a camera!
