Sunday, December 15, 2024

A Star's Career

There's an old joke in Hollywood, which has been quoted many times, about the five stages of a star's career. For purpose of illustration I'll use my name for the star:

1. Who is Ralph Hummel?

2. Get me Ralph Hummel!

3. We need someone like Ralph Hummel.

4. What we need is a young Ralph Hummel.

5. Who is Ralph Hummel?


  1. Intriguing! I'm not sure who that is!!! The unnamed star, not you!x

  2. I'm afraid that's reality for a lot of stars! xxx

  3. Replies
    1. Kind words. Thank you. I plan to use this as the record cover of my album, "Riding Through the Storm." (That is, if I had musical talent which I don't.)

  4. Hahaha! The "We need a young Ralph Hummel" is too real.

