Wednesday, August 28, 2024


I subscribe to Archaeology magazine. It and its subject are fascinating. From the new issue:

A Swiss archaeologist spent 50 years looking for the famed Sanctuary of Artemis in Greece. He recently discovered it and the site turns out to be an entire ancient village. The search, as he describes it, was like "a Hollywood movie" with unexpected twists. Ancient goddess Artemis is believed to be intimately connected to women and girls with artifacts showing that.

Have you ever heard of "wooly dogs"? They were raised -- and worshiped -- in the Pacific Northwest for thousands of years. Sometimes believed to possess human spirits the dogs were pampered and their fur was spun into yarn for clothing. Wooly dogs look similar to today's Alaskan Eskimo dogs.

Finally, research has been done on very old human activity (40-80,000 years ago). The questions: when did we start wearing clothes? And why? Scholars conclude eyed-needles were invented to make closer-fitting clothing necessitated by climate change. The head researcher says, "It was all driven by the need for underwear." Ha!


  1. Fascinating! Thanks for sharing this, Ally!

  2. Archeology is a fascinating subject indeed. Never heard of "wooly" dogs. I think I need to do some googling! xxx

  3. We visited the Sanctuary of Artemis at the Acropolis when we were in Greece last year. They had a hologram of Artemis. Just incredible.


  4. Running - or shambling at speed in my case 😉 - without -ahem- suitable support is uncomfortable. Thank goodness our ancestors got busy with inventing clothing! 🙂

  5. I saw a meme that said that flutes were invented a lot longer ago than clothing ...can't remember what the rest of it was but I liked the idea that flutes were invented first!

    1. You've put an image in my head I'm enjoying. :)
