Friday, April 5, 2024

Snowdonia Cheese

Listen up, kiddies. There's a prize in this Cracker Jack box -- valuable information on living well.

Due to my upbringing (immigrant parents) it's not my nature to indulge myself. But I've learned that rewards, even small ones, can be powerful motivators. So I grant myself little pleasures when I do something hard, like a hot cup of strong coffee at the end of a long hike. The prospect of a reward helps you push through tough stuff.

I recently achieved a major financial goal that deserves celebrating so I'm pampering myself with some of the best cheese in the world.

Like everyone else I love cheese. For health reasons I've cut back on dairy and consume cheese only rarely now. So when I do have it I get high quality.

I once worked at a cheese shop in Boston which sold 365 varieties. The owner encouraged us to try them all so we could better guide customers. As a result I know cheese. During that employment I was a poor student so I'd arrive at work hungry and eat pounds of cheese. Literally pounds. That was my meal for the day. It's a wonder I'm still alive. 🙂

The best cheese in the world is not made in Wisconsin; it's not crafted in France. The best cheese in the world comes from North Wales, made my prize-winning cheesemongers at Snowdonia Cheese Company.  That area is sparsely populated: there are really more sheep there than humans.

What makes a great cheese? Well you have to start with exceptional milk. The milk used at Snowdonia comes from well-tended animals in rural Wales with no hormones or weird crap American producers use. You can taste the lush Welsh vegetation in milk from these animals. Another practice at Snowdonia is they age their cheese in caves. Real caves where climate and humidity are perfect for long-term aging.

The company's website is informative but obviously geared to European customers. Prices are listed in British currency. The company offers 15 varieties of cheese but sadly only two kinds are available in this country. One is their premier cheese, an extra-mature cheddar (Black Bomber) and a second is a less mature cheddar enhanced with Scotch whisky (Amber Mist). (Over there they don't spell whisky with an "e".) I bought two small wheels of each (7 oz.). The cheese is protected by molten wax covering.

Black Bomber, the extra-mature cheddar, is a delight. Its flavor is deep and rich. It will please most cheddar-lovers. A big plus is that despite its age the cheese's consistency is pleasant and moist. Most old cheese gets dried out and full of crunchy crystals. Snowdonia avoids that by using caves.

I have yet to try their other kinds of cheese (and am lusting after Red Leicester) so put a trip to Wales on my bucket list!



  1. It's divine! I was gifted some at Xmas, along with some cheeses from the Midlands and they were gorgeous. Nom nom nom! 🩷

    A local Stilton and slices of freshly cut pear - heavenly!

  2. Having been to Wales, and having hiked up the Snowdon once, I'm intrigued by this cheese! I will have to check it out! xxx

  3. Oooh, that sounds amazing!! I need to try it, I'm a total cheese fiend. :D

  4. Mmmmm that sounds heavenly. Much like you, I don't eat cheese as much these days, but can tolerate a little here and there. I always would rather have a little bit of really good cheese than a massive amount.

    Being a cheesemonger though, oh to dream!

  5. I didn't know that the best cheese is made in Wales, but I'm not surprised. It's all about the quality of the milk.
    For me the best cheese I ever tried was the one made by my late grandmother- goat cheese.

    1. Fresh cheese is superb and goat cheese is my favorite.

  6. I've almost completely given up dairy and I truly miss cheese. This cheese sounds wonderful.


    1. I moved in the same direction so for a cheese to get me to make an exception, it needs to be exceptional!

  7. I bet this is available somewhere here - Canada imports a lot from the UK. We also make a lot of cheese here - I'm fond of the Salt Spring Island goat cheese line:

    1. Yumm. I'll have to see if I can get that here. I love goat cheese.

  8. I like this cheese company- we have eaten a few varieties of them! It's very tasty! I'm glad you treated yourself! I also like the Wookey Hole cheeses (also aged in caves that I have been to!) and Cheddar Gorge cheeses (I also have potholed here too!)x

    1. Ooo... more reasons for me to visit you!

    2. The caves aren't near me but the cheeses are available easily here!!! Come and visit! :-) !!!

  9. P.S. CBC also worked in a cheese shop as a student and was also encouraged to eat it too!!

  10. I looooove cheese. I'm really lucky to live in an area with well curated rare cheese selections and many local farms that make their own award winning cheeses.
    But I also have had to cut back :-(((

    1. Ah, yes. We all love cheese but too much is unhealthy. I seek a balance by eating tasty cheeses in moderation and not eating crap-cheese. I could never give it up entirely. Thanks for sharing your perspective.
