Saturday, July 13, 2013

Ear Cuffs

Last night on Fashion Police, I saw a trend which has been around for a little while.  In the past, I've caught this trend out of the corner of my eye, but not really focused on it.  The show examined the trend and, after seeing it more closely, I've decided I like it.

I'm talking about ear cuffs -- earrings which cover more of your ear, extending upward and usually following the curve of your ear.  Worn asymmetrically (in only one ear), the earrings add sparkle and draw attention the way hair ornaments do.  In fact, on my women, they look more like hair decorations than like earrings.  Here are a few examples.

While at first they look exotic, I got used to them quickly and see lots of design possibilities.  Interestingly, they can look either ancient or futuristic, depending on the style.  A throwback to an old culture or visual reference to a sci-fi type future.

And it's always nice to draw attention to your face.

What do you think?  Would you wear one?



  1. Ooh! I'm quite surprised these are a fashion thing now, since about 20 years ago if I wore my earcuff earrings it was a big sign that I was a giant giant nerd. (they were Bajoran earrings on Star Trek)

    I like them! I wonder if one will go around my cartilage piercing...

    1. One of the reasons I may have gotten the cartilage piercing in the first place besides thinking it looked like the coolest thing ever is that it reminded me of Star Trek. >.>

  2. Amazing earrings! So great:)

  3. I'm really on the fence about ear cuffs (by the way, I'm a BIG "Fashion Police" fan). I don't really like them, but I don't hate them. It all just depends. Some of them really are quite charming to wear and to see being worn to me.

  4. The gold hued bow one is particularly lovely - I would definitely give it a spin, but most of the others I've seen as this trend has grown have been a bit too over-the-top for me (though I think they often look great on edgier folks!).

    Wishing you a fantastic, relaxing weekend, dear Ally,
    ♥ Jessica

  5. That mermaid one is fantastic! I would definitely wear one, but I think it would look best on someone with either very short hair, or their hair pulled back. It would be a shame to have it only half showing.

  6. I really like them, I think they would be really wearable (please let me find a festooned diamante explosion) x

  7. I like them! I wore them a few times in the 90s. I've never actually purchased one, but I like the look. Especially since most of the time they don't require the commitment of a cartilage piercing.

  8. I also loved them in the 90's. I still like some of them, but I've seen a lot that look like the first one. That one reminds me of the thing Khan put in Chekhov's ear on the second Star Trek movie. No thank you to bug ear.

    I also really like that I am the second person to reference Star Trek in these comments.

  9. I wore a few ear cuffs in the 80s - I actually just lost my silver one (boo, sad). I love that mermaid one!

  10. I've never worn them before and don't think I would now that I'm pushing 40, but my 14 year old daughter just bought some. They look really cute on her!

  11. I love ear cuffs, and think they look cool....but I don't think the ear cuff vibe meshes with my persona. Maybe I'll try it someday though.

  12. I have never seen these before but definitely would wear one ... even though I am already 50 (and a half!!!)

  13. I saw the first picture a few months ago and I liked it. I showed it to my mom and she liked it too. This is a trend that a lot of us can pull off. Don't you think?

    I'm crazy about the second one! It's so cute. I would wear that one in a heart beat.

    And by the way, thanks for your comment! I've been pretty hesitant on posting about serious issues lately. I need to remember that my readers DO like reading about things about my life (and the world) beside fashion.

  14. I like the subtle ones (like this one: I could never wear one, though, since I had surgery on my ears and the tops of them are extremely sensitive.

    1. Sorry to hear, Ashley. Hiding your Vulcan heritage? :)

  15. I'm almost embarrassed to admit I absolutely LOVE that first one - it's so sparkly! Sadly, I wouldn't have the nerve to wear it.

  16. Yay for fashion police. Ever since this trend came out I have been quite fascinated by it. It's just so unique, like nothing else and not what I would have expected. I really like the second picture with the little bow.

  17. I'd totally wear the second and third!!

  18. I don't have my ears pierced, but I used to wear a fake cuff when I was in high school. Very much like the Bajorans from Star Trek--nerd alert! :)

  19. hey, i love your pics:)
    kisses from Poland :)

  20. I used to wear them (not that fancy) all through high school. Personally I love them and I can't wait to find a beautiful one to wear again!

  21. as a trekkie I do love this trend as I may be trendy and stylish for most of people but still feeling a Banjoran without a nose in my heart :)

  22. As much as I love the look of ear cuffs, I tend to get anything and everything snagged in my earrings, so I can't wear them:( Too bad because I really LOVE that second look!

  23. I think they're super rad! I wonder how comfortable the larger, heavier ones would be, but I've definitely eyeballed a few on Etsy in the past.

  24. I like the mermaid one! And the gold chain one is pretty fun, too. I think it's really, REALLY easy to overdo it with a cuff that's simply "too much," but there are a ton of cute ones out there.

  25. I really like the first one!!

  26. I like the first one, but im not sure i'm ready to jump on board, mainly because I rarely do earrings ;)
    Xo, Megan,

  27. The first time I saw this trend I thought it was odd - and they I gave it a second look and actually bought one on line! I am waiting for my package to arrive :)

  28. yes, I love it

  29. Yes, I'd wear one. Both the Costume Technician and The Teen wear pretty flowery or dragon ones. One of the female associates in our office has more delicate ones she wears to the office.

    Love ya,

  30. molto carini (; Reb, xoxo.

    * Sul mio blog ho appena pubblicato un post dedicato
    al brand Gabriele Stroh, fammi sapere cosa ne pensi:

  31. What goes around, comes around... I remember these from my teenaged years as well. Earcuffs and neon, which is also back.. yikes. Its a pretty good rule that if you did it the first time round, you probably shouldnt do it the second.

  32. Some of my friends pierce their ears several times to wear things like these so I like the look of them but I don't think I will wear them myself. I'm sure I would catch my ears on something which for someone as clumsy as me, isn't a good idea. I have to admire them from afar
