Thursday, October 26, 2023

Halloween (#1)

Halloween delights me. The holiday grants us freedom to have fun and be creative. Everything is allowed.

I try not to miss such opportunity but, this year, I can't participate. My condition precludes making a costume and photographing it. I've tried -- and failed -- to take pictures recently because my eyesight just isn't good enough. Perhaps by next year I'll discover a work-around.

In the meantime I thought it'd be fun to re-visit some old Halloween costumes of mine. From now until Halloween I'm gonna display my favorite past costumes, one a day. Let's start with my all-time best outfit (below). 

Can you guess who I am? Hint: "It's finger-lickin' good."


  1. Your Hallowe'en costumes are legendary, and I'm so sorry you are finding it so much harder to do this activity that you love. Of course, you are Colonel Saunders! :D

    I've revived the Star Trek Red Shirts as a group costume at my office, and there may actually be people in the office to participate with me. I am doing a half-assed job this year, as I'm so swamped with work...and yet I still need and want my extra weekday off (thank goodness my boss supports it). Big hugs to you, honey.

    1. Thanks, sweet friend. Your creative costumes are special, too. I was leafing through old posts of mine and saw your participation in group Halloween outfits.

  2. You got me at finger-lickin' good! Brilliant costume, Ally! xxx

  3. Ah, you don't need any intro to say who this is! Brilliant!
    Very sad your can't participate as normal this year. x

  4. So sad that you aren't able to participate this year. Creating your costumes always gave you so much joy.


    1. Thanks, pal. As with other things I'm looking for ways to be happy which circumvent my impairments. I don't want them to define my life.
