Wednesday, February 4, 2015

The View Outside My Window

Winter has arrived, taken up residence, and is smokin' a joint on my couch. Not sure if I'll ever be able to get rid of him.




  1. We finally had snow here, but I'm sure your snow would laugh in the face of our snow!

  2. Lovely snow Ally. Ours is a mere pop in for tea!!x

  3. Evan if you're not a fan of winter, it sure is beautiful! I love these photos!

  4. You found the beauty in winter! I forget how pretty it can be!

  5. Thank you so much for your last comments!!! Both of them made me really happy! I am always touched and so happy when I read that my lifestyle gets supported by non-vegans (I learned that this is not normal) and I am happy that you liked my pink outfit :)
    I find it so difficult to enjoy Winter these days because I have to ride m bicycle everyday and I just dont like it when its snowiy and slippery. If it would not be for the bicycle, I love the beauty of Winter too and I love how you captured it here!

  6. Is he sharing? That's the important part.

  7. Impressive! You might even have more snow than we do! If you find a way to get rid of him, let me know ASAP.

  8. Lovely view! Winter captured so beautifully. :) Have a great week! <3
    Foodie Style

  9. I loled at the thought of winter smoking a doobie on your couch :) If he keeps giving you photo ops like these, you should offer to roll up the next one for him! Hahaha

  10. Ha, sounds like some in-laws I have known :) Yeah, you guys really got hit. But take heart, we are halfway to the spring equinox.

  11. wow, look at that! wish winter would come visit me.

  12. I hope you still have power :), love the pics

  13. Ha, you made me laugh out loud! Winter has completely forsaken my corner of the world. I can't remember a year where we haven't had any snow - but there's still hope I guess!

  14. no bike weather - eh ;-)
    i use toy enjoy "real" winter" - going on ski tours is almost like being able to fly - and´s good for my waist....
    stay warm! xx

  15. le sigh...winter has been super mild around Atlanta. I was hoping for a day of snow to frolic in!

  16. The way you describe him he sounds like someone you would want to be friends with ... but only for a little while!!!!

    Love your photos!!!!

  17. Lucky! I want some Tahoe lol. It's been pretty dry there this year. I went a couple of months ago and there was NO SNOW.

    Does it get boring living in the snow? Do you like being bundled up every day? I've always wondered what it would be like to live in an area where it snows every winter. :)


    1. At first it's fun and exciting, then it becomes boring and unpleasant. The thrill wears off while cold and inconvenience remain.

  18. where's my winter weather!?!? It's getting up to the 60s here! Poo!!

  19. I like your description of winter. Most of the time people call 'him' (or 'her') harsh and hostile. I think lazy moocher is much more apt. Especially with how long winters used to be in my neck of the woods. Just sort of there for nearly half the year, sometimes fun, but most of the time you want to kick him out the door.

    lovely photos!
