There's no unifying theme to this post, just a roundup of stuff that's in my head. It's a pretty scary place to visit, so put on a raincoat. :) Candidly, I consider my blog to be autobiographic so there's a purpose to these musings. For me, at least.
The pictures Michi took of me last week are SOOOO good! I'm so eager to show them to you. They are, without doubt, the best photos ever taken of me. I feel like I can die now; I achieved a major dream. The photos are in editing and we can't disturb the artist while she's working. I'll share them in a few days when they're ready.
I just planted four varieties of hot peppers in my first garden. I'm surprised at how excited I am for these little babies. Every day I water and talk to them, even though they haven't sprouted yet. Grow, babies, grow!
Have you ever gardened? Why is it so engaging? Perhaps it's because I'm a born nurturer. That's my natural instinct. To help, to support, to praise growth.
I'm heading into NYC today to see a Broadway play. If you ever visit New York, our theater is a prime attraction. We have the best of the best and their talent will stun you.
Did you see the Bruce Jenner interview? It drew a huge audience, which means the subject is gaining visibility. After decades of obscurity, the existence of transgender people like me is finally being acknowledged and, in some circles, respected. That's positive. On the other hand, raising the topic is provoking bad stuff, too -- mockery, ridicule and stupidity. Those reactions are usually borne of ignorance. A recent study shows that while 87% of Americans say they know someone who's gay, only 6% say they know a transgender person.
My experience is that prejudice can be combatted by personal interaction -- when people realize an unknown group is human like them, fears generated by ignorance melt away. There's a sudden awareness that we're more like you than different and that our difference isn't reason to hate us. So public visibility is a good way to educate those who've never confronted us before.
That said, it will be a while before many get the memo. Prompted by the interview, some "friends" of mine on Facebook have posted insulting transphobic remarks. Not everyone on that site knows I'm transgender so they felt free to spout bullshit without expecting any blowback. I plan to talk to these people privately, tell them about myself and ask if they hate me. Based on their response, I will adjust my future connection to them.
In more positive news, I bought a baton and am learning how to twirl! It's great fun. I'll incorporate the baton into future pictures as a playful prop.
How are you doing??