Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Head West, Young Man...

I don't blog to a schedule; I post only when I have something to say.  Looking at my stats, apparently I'm loquacious 'cause I post two out of every three days.

Due to this frequency, I've learned that my absence is conspicuous.  A month ago, I was tired and uninspired so I didn't post for a week.  I just had nothing good to say, so I said nothing.  I was surprised to receive more than one e-mail asking if I'd died!  I'm not sure how I could have answered those inquiries if I had, in fact, passed away but perhaps my next of kin would be wrapping up affairs like that.

To avoid a repeat of that, I'm announcing that, on Thursday, I'm flying to Arizona for a few days to visit family.  Not a big trip, but I'll not be posting while I'm gone.  Unless... do they have Internet in Arizona?

Have you ever been to AZ?  I hear it's super-hot.  But they say it's a "dry heat", meaning comfortable.  I don't know how 114-degrees can be comfortable.  Your experiences?


  1. I never been to Arizona but I have been to Nevada and can understand the dry heat. The only way I can describe it is you feel like your cheeks are pressed against a hot plate baking but there is no sweat at all. Its almost as if you are putting your body against a hand warmer, or a warm heated surface and no wetness, sweat or build up. Its actually nice, however if you are prone to sinus trouble you will probably feel it.

    You should have some amazing photographs of your travels in Arizona, and of course have to get authentic food!! can't wait to hear about what types of dishes you try.

    Have a great trip ally, have fun!! and the computer will be back when you come back....so will everyone else...

    (but your right, we do worry when you dont post)

  2. My brother lived there for two years but I never been. He loved it though. Take lots of pics!! And have a safe trip :)

  3. My family vacations there every year - have a great trip!

    Courtney ~ http://sartorialsidelines.com

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. This happens because your readers really care about you! :)
    Have a nice trip!

  6. I agree with Jul ... We miss you when you are not here.

    Enjoy your trip and I hope you manage the heat.

  7. Have fun and enjoy yourself there :)

  8. That's because we love you! I know I love seeing new posts of yours pop up on my Google Reader! Hope you have a wonderful and safe trip! I spent part of my vacation in Arizona a few years back. It's a beautiful place, but I can't take the heat.

    Callie @ www.coffeeandcardigans.com

  9. Ok, so as long as we know where you are - you're good! LOL! I'll be headed to Jamaica myself where it's hot but it's a wet heat... I believe they have internet in AZ but it's so hot no one feels like doing anything. Have fun!

  10. I've often considered asking my husband to post if anything happens to me (he knows my passwords), just so people aren't left hanging. It's always odd when someone who's been posting just suddenly stops. I was following a woman a few years ago who discovered she had breast cancer - she posted about it for around a year, then updates became sporadic...then stopped. I've thought about her so many times, wondering if she died from the cancer.

    Anyway, have a great vacation! Desert heat is like when you open a hot oven - you get that "woof" of heat pressing on your skin. I've been in Vegas in August and it was over 30 degrees - just insane! This delicate West coast flower wilted!

  11. Oh, and I knew you would get the "posterity/posterior" pun in my last post! :) You always spot them.

  12. I haven't been to AZ, but I've got family out there. They say the heat is very different, especially from the humid heat down here in the South. Gah, I hate those days where walking outside is like walking into a wall of moisture. Yuck! However, I'd take that any day over snow.

    Also everyone else is right - we worry because we care! Hope you have a safe and happy trip. If you can blog, awesome, if not we'll happily see you when you get back.

  13. Hope you have a great vacation.
    My allergies goes bonkers in that dry heat but if you are prepared for it should be fine.
    I always indicate when I am going to be gone longer than usual too.

  14. I haven't been to Arizona since I was about 14 but I don't remember the heat being unbearable. Someone else can probably give you better advice but just try to pack plenty of natural fibers. A medium weight cotton is MUCH more bearable than a thing polyester when it gets that hot out.
    Hope that your trip is fantastic, it's really beautiful out there. Come back with some awesome photos for us :)

  15. Oooh lucky you! I wanna vacay right now! Have fun in the desert. ;) I wish I had some advice for you but I haven't been there in 20-some years. (I have fam in Phoenix).

    Have a safe trip!! <3

  16. I hated AZ but I have friends who love it. Have a great time and safe travels!

  17. Haha, thanks for the heads-up. Now we won't have to send a search party after you. Sometimes I'm on a schedule with my posts, sometimes I'm not. My busyness ebs and flows, so I assume that it's that way with other people too.

    I went to Tucson, AZ for a week a few years ago. I loved the heat. I never seem to be warm enough. I went to a bunch of jewelry/gem shows and bought a ton of beads. It's beautiful out there. Can we expect Southwestern outfit posts from you?

  18. Have a great time! Seeing new places is one of the best things in life, regardless of the weather! :) Though I hope it won't be overly hot. :D

  19. I have a cousin there and
    I have heard its HELL HOT - but right now it should be a nice change to the NY weather :)

  20. Have a safe trip and drink lots of water :)

  21. Have fun! Eats lots of Mexican/Southwest/Tex-Mex while you are there. It's way better than in NYC, just like those Pace commercials says. :-)
