Thursday, January 9, 2025

My Pet Rock

I just commented on a friend's post (about the recent craze for Stanley cups) and thought you  might enjoy hearing a piece of my past. You are probably too young to remember this. Here's what I wrote:

In the history of commercial idiocy I plead guilty to spending real money ($4, back when they meant something) to buy a "Pet Rock" in 1975. It was an ordinary rock, like one you'd find on the ground, packaged in a cardboard box with air holes in it for "ventilation." What made the purchase sensible was an included brochure on "How To Care For Your Pet Rock," a funny piece of satire. In my defense I was a high school senior with an eccentric outlook on life. 

The guy who sold pet rocks became a millionaire from the idea.

More info: link and a second link 


  1. I remember these! I also remember the Chia pets. I think I had one in fact.


    1. Not only did I have a Chia pet in the past, I bought one last year!

  2. This craze must have passed me by - if it did make it to Belgium at all. The air holes for ventilation made me laugh out loud. I wonder what the care instructions were ... :-) xxx

    1. The second link quotes several of them. They were very funny.

  3. I still have a handful of beanie babies from the 90s. Lol!

  4. I was born in the late '70s but I do remember hearing about these - too funny you bought one! How long did you keep it?

    1. As mentioned in the Wiki listing, this joke has been cited repeatedly in other cultural works since then so that makes sense. I had my Pet Rock for a few years; don't know when it disappeared.

  5. If you like that, I have a genuine "filigree Siberian hamster" to sell you. :D (that's a reference to Fawlty Towers, a series you should see/read ASAP).

    1. I have seen the entire FT series many times and own it on DVD. Best comedy ever!

    2. This makes me love you both even more! F T is hilarious!!! Did you enjoy The Good Life too?

  6. I am not only not too young to remember this - I had one and took it to school so it wouldn't be lonely lol And jumping beans! Ha

    1. Ha! That's great, Karen. Thanks for sharing your past.

  7. This is hilarious!!! I have not heard of this!!! We had a craze for Trolls!!
