Friday, March 22, 2024

Road Trip!

After being confined to my neighborhood for a year since my eyes went bad I'm down in South Jersey. I coaxed Robin into a short trip here. This is where Robin grew up so I guessed it would be the most comfortable place for her to visit. I was itching to get away from home and hit the open road.

The experience has been very instructive on learning what I can and can't do now. Or, more precisely, what I can do unassisted and what I need some help with.  That's critical knowledge to acquire: i want to travel in the future and need to overcome some steep challenges.

To sate a primal yearning we're going to Ocean City tomorrow. I want to touch water and feel the ocean's energy. 

Can a blind man make art? I haven't taken a single photograph since my eyes went haywire. I brought film and digital cameras with me on this trip and will give them a shot, so to speak. Should be eye-opening. The beach is always beautiful in Winter; I hope to capture some of that magic even if the pictures are fuzzy.


  1. What an adventure! I know you can do art, Ally - that doesn't go away just because you've lost some sight. <3 Enjoy every moment, my friend!

    1. Thanks for the encouragement, Sheila. I'm trying my best.

  2. For me, getting out in nature is so cathartic and healing. And of course you can still do art! There are artists of all abilities making art. I'm looking forward to seeing what you create.

    1. Thank you, Karen. I agree with you about nature. It restores me.

  3. Enjoy your trip, Ally. And of course you can still do art! I can't wait to see your photos! xxx

  4. I'm so happy you are doing this for yourself Ally! I hope you feel an amazing joy being at the ocean and you really have a lovely time, even if you are working out how to manoeuvre (so to speak) with your new sight. And yes, I'm glad you are going to give your photography a go.
    Much love. xxx

    1. So much love back, Kezzie! The trip is joyful. Hard but good.

  5. How wonderful you got out to travel a bit. A change of scenery is good for the soul.

    I cannot wait to see what photos you take. I think your unique perspective and sight challenges could lead to some very creative results.


    1. Big hug, Sweetie! This trip is an important step for me.

  6. I'm excited to see your future art. Little stops an artist's heart from creating.

    I hope you're able to begin to travel with more confidence. I know how much you love travel and deserve to continue traveling and enjoying the world.

    1. Thanks, pal. You're right about artists: we live to make art so, if not one way than another. I have ideas for visual art (e.g., moving into abstract work instead of figurative) and if those efforts don't pan out I'll continue with non-visual media (e.g., writing).

      Yes, travel. I don't want to give it up. I'm learning strategies for solo and assisted travel. (Assisted is easy: I just hold someone's hand and they keep me from getting run over.) Solo is the real challenge. This trip was a baby-step but I experimented and learned a lot. More knowledge to acquire but I'm moving in the right direction. Thanks for the support.
