Wednesday, November 6, 2019

The Roaring Twenties

We rarely grasp the significance of time in our lives until it's passed. We look back and think, "Wow, that was an important/great/terrible period."

I've recently analyzed, in detail, the periods of my life. I did this in anticipation for what remains. I want that time to be as marvelous as possible. I hope to live until 90 years old which means the next 15 years could be my last chunk of wonderfulness. I want to extract as much joy as I can from that period.

In the new decade that's about to start, I have everything I need -- health, wealth and as much wisdom as I'm likely to ever possess. That means if I'm smart, I'll make the most of the time. I don't want to squander it through sleep-walking or bad choices. Of course external factors like social cohesion/unrest, economic prosperity/stagnation and personal relationships will play roles in what happens but life is determined more by how we handle situations instead of what's presented to us.

In short, I hope "the Twenties" (2020+) will be my best years ever. I predict they will "roar" for me and also for you

How do you feel about the next decade?


  1. These 20s will be the delayed jump into adulthood my graduating class missed out on (2007-2008ish). We hit 'adulthood' at the height of the depression, and much like the last century are finding our footing in this next decade.

    I think if anyone could figure out how to maximize their next 15 years, you'd do it. "Want to" accounts for a lot! I look forward to seeing your journey.

    1. My fear is passing time without conscious awareness, so I plan and plan and plan. It's okay if my life deviates from the plan as long as I'm paying attention. In the future I want to look back and say I gave it my best shot.

  2. The next 10 years are leading up to my retirement (boggling!), and will likely be filled with upheaval with the deaths of parents, and possibly some friends. I don't expect it to be sunshine and roses, but I feel strangely serene about it.

    I love your attitude, Ally!

    1. You seem surprisingly realistic. Which is good.

  3. I've really been finding myself deep in thought over the years going by and getting older. It's weird how life seems to go by so fast and so slow at the same time. I remember being in 3rd grade and my best friend and me talking about how old we would be when it changed from 1999 into 2000. And in the blink of an eye it's going to be 2020 soon.

    How does that happen!?

    1. I don't know: I think the same thing. Yesterday I was 40 and now I'm two decades older. Ouch!

  4. I sure hope to be retired in a couple of years, and to still have pretty good health.

  5. I really love this post Ally - the reflection. We had a meeting the other day and we were asked if we could go back in time to any age at all, what would it be and I was stuck. I really couldn't think of an age I would be because I keep looking forward to "what could be next!". However I keep thinking about my younger able bodied self and I would really love to have that body back. The one that didn't creak and moan and need ice and heat packs all the time! HA! Wouldn't that be wonderful!
    I really hope that the next bit is all roaring for you. For all of us!

    1. Thanks. I share your thoughts. Age brings physical deterioration we don't expect so we have to focus on the positive: what's left for us to enjoy.

  6. There are a number of things going on that I need to wrap up and then hopefully be in a position to move forward. The health thing is critical. while things are OK now I know that my energy level and strength is not what it used to be

  7. I am scared about the next decade. I am 2 years (less!!!) from 40 and I am worried about the choices I have made/am making/haven't made/am shying away from!
