Wednesday, April 5, 2023


This has been a magical season for the New Jersey Devils -- they reached the playoffs for the first time in many years. During those years the team usually ended up in last place. (I rooted for them nonetheless.) Now the Devils are poised for glory.

At the start of this season odds for the Devils making it to the Stanley Cup finals were 5,000 to 1. Today, they're 6 to 1. Amazing play and surprising success changed everyone's view of the team. They're now respected for youthful energy, incredible speed and advanced skills. The Devils set an all-time NHL record for most wins in one month (eleven in November).

The regular season ends next week and playoffs follow. It'll be exciting so tune in and cheer with me.


  1. I'll be cheering but it won't be for the Devils! :-D

    1. Ha! That's okay; as long as you watch the Bruins win the Stanley Cup. They've been so dominant this year I can't imagine anyone beating them except, perhaps, the Devils on a hot streak.

  2. I'll cheer from over here in the UK! Well done Devils !!! Kezzie xx

    1. Thanks, Kezzie! Actually a lot of players in the NHL now come from Europe. Mostly Scandinavian countries like Sweden. I don't know of any English pro hockey players. Do people play hockey in your country?

    2. I'm not really one for watching sport so I am not 100% sure but we learnt trad hockey with a ball at school. It was one of the few sports I wasn't too bad at.

    3. You were probably good at it because you're a big bruiser. :)

  3. I don't keep up with sports, but i remember the year the Titans made the Super Bowl. It creates a unique energy and passion when a previously nonwinning team turns it around.

    Here's to more wins!

    1. Exactly. Everyone loves a Cinderella story. :)

  4. I don't watch any sports or have any favourite teams - and I don't think I've ever seen a hockey game! But it's great you are enjoying the season and cheering on your team :)

    1. Okay, that's a start. How 'bout watching a game on TV to give it a try? Athletics are fun, even for spectators.

  5. I must admit I don't know anything about hockey!
