Monday, March 6, 2023

"The U.S. and the Holocaust"

I've been terribly sick the past three weeks with RSV. The worst part of the illness is blurred vision. That's prevented me from reading and writing. Please forgive my absence from your blogs. I hope to return to commenting soon.

While sick I watched a new, 6-hour documentary from Ken Burns about the Holocaust ("The U.S. and the Holocaust," PBS, 2022). Its core message: Americans were fully informed of the tragedies committed in Europe during that period but chose, inexcusably, to turn a cold shoulder toward widespread suffering.

The documentary examines the dangers of appeasing evil and ignoring noxious beliefs (which persists today). You're also struck by the fragility of family as parents and children were cruelly separated from their loved ones. Finally the vast scale of the horrors of that time is hard to take in. Literally millions were murdered.

The 3-part series, while difficult to watch, changes your perspective on several important subjects, such as man's capacity for inhumane behavior.

(If you want to borrow the DVDs, just ask me.)


  1. "The U.S. and the Holocaust" is available for streaming on PBS.

  2. L and I PVR'ed "US and the Holocaust" and just finished watching it last month - it was brutal, but a necessary thing, we both felt. Canada also refused fleeing Jews and other refugees - we were not any better. Lest we forget, eh?

    1. Exactly. White-washing history impairs our ability to deal with future situations.

  3. I suspect it may not be available here in the UK ~but I I shall have a look. Here too it appears that although much was know little was done, yes we did have the "kinder transport", but that was because we would not accept adult refugees. The Allies could have done much to disrupt the "final solution" but choose to concentrate efforts elsewhere.
    All of this is important to remember now we see a growing intolerance, scape goating, "othering" and oppression of refugees and minority groups.

    1. Exactly right with both points. The film looks at your and other European countries' actions before and during WWII; most refused most desperate refugees. And this situation will continue to arise in the future.

  4. Sounds like a must watch to me, so I will see if I can get the documentary here. We must avoid that history repeats itself at all cost. The increasing intolerance I notice today doesn't bode very well for the future. Sorry to hear you've been unwell, by the way! xxx

  5. I'm sorry to hear you have been unwell. This sounds like a harrowing yet interesting documentary. Kxx

  6. I've been wanting watch this. I have one episode recorded and was hoping the would re-air the other two but haven't yet.

    I hope you're feeling better by now.

    Karen @For What It's Worth
