Thursday, July 9, 2020

Letters To The Editor

As a fun project, I recently compiled a half-century of letters I wrote to newspapers and magazines. The letters, going back to 1973, are interesting missives from the past.

I mailed copies of the collection to friends whose addresses I know. If you didn't get one and want a copy, just privately give me a mailing address. (My e-mail is


  1. That's very cool - what an interesting record of things that interested YOU in the past 50 years!

    I've been eyeing my diary from Grade 12 - I had to write 2 full pages (longhand!) a day and get it initialed by my Creative Writing teacher (he didn't read them, just verified that we wrote them). It's in a giant binder, and I'm thinking of transcribing it. I looked at a few pages and was like, "Whoa, I don't remember this!" So much stuff I'd forgotten entirely - it's like reading someone else's diary.

    1. Definitely pull that diary out and do something with it. Records of our past reveal our development as people. Oh, and your copy of my collection is on its way.

  2. That's so cool you've saved them all so you could create this archive!

    Le Stylo Rouge

    1. Yeah, I put them in a box which got fuller and fuller and... My goal was to someday, when I got old, compile a collection like this. Guess I'm old now! :-)

  3. How wonderful that you've saved these letters, Ally. I'm forever regretting getting rid of my teenage diaries .. xxx

    1. I had a feeling I'd want these and, boy, was I right!

  4. I'm so excited to read them!!! You are so cool to have saved them and to have written them in the first place! The only letters I wrote to a magazine or paper was 3 letters to Doctor Who magazine which got published!

    1. That's cool. I'd be interested in reading yours. The collection of my letters is on its way to you.

  5. I loved reading your letters. I hope someday I manage to wrangle my memory box into something as keen and coherent as your collection.

  6. What an awesome and very creative thing to do, Ally. LTE are certainly not as commonplace as they once were and this is a powerful celebration not only of the role they're had in your own life, but throughout society as a whole for many generations now.

    Autumn Zenith 🧡 Witchcrafted Life
