Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Adding Color To Your Life

My recent experiences with Suzanne and Sheila stimulated personal growth at an accelerated rate. Every day I examine my life and question what I'm doing, what I'm not doing, and why.

The process has led me to wear brightly-colored fingernail polish every day, in public, even when dressed as a man. And I'm really happy about that. Ecstatic at times. I spent six decades wanting to publicly be myself and now I am, whatever the cost. Local shop-keepers, bank-tellers and others are having to revise their understanding of me, which is okay.

The only time my nails are not painted is during work-hours. And I'm wondering why I take it off then. That may change soon as I think about this some more.

By the way, if you want to give me a Christmas gift, nail polish works! The brighter the better. Reds, pinks and purples all put smiles on my face. I don't shy away from feminine hues, I lean toward them.


  1. YAY!!! For wearing your nails in public, and screw it, wear them for work too, Ally!

    I am honoured, humbled and privileged to be counted as an influence on you. *hugs*

  2. Love it!!! I love all colors, but I just adore classic red--- need to paint my nails!

  3. This makes me so unbelievably happy, in a face-hurts-from-smiling kind of way. I love to see you embrace your femininity, my sweet friend <3 Red suits you!

  4. I'm just delighted that you continued on with this! It's often the small details in our life that fill us with the most joy. Why deny yourself?


    1. Exactly. I derive more pleasure from a $5 bottle of nail-polish than the tens of thousands I spend on other stuff. Funny how that works -- and I harness it to increase joy in my life.

  5. I love this Ally! All the nail polish! You deserve all the color and happiness in your life! Love it!!

  6. Love the pink nail polish you have in the first picture, I have a similar one. A bit of nail polish gives me joy too.

    Well done for having the courage of being you.

  7. I'm so so so so glad that you are embracing you to the world- your nails look awesome!!! And you are awesome! Wear it to work!!!!!!!!!

  8. Yay! So glad you're embracing nail color more! I'd wear it to long as your job is secure (sadly, trans discrimination is still a thing) I'd go for it. If you send me your address I can maybe pick out a couple colors as a little belated Xmas gift?

    1. Wow, that'd be great! I'll e-mail it to you.
      I'm the boss of my practice so the only person who can fire me is me. :)
