Tomorrow is my birthday. I normally take stock on these occasions. This year the report is encouraging.
I'm working out regularly and improving my physical health. I've learned how to function with limited vision (20%), discovering dozens of techniques to compensate for bad eyesight. I'm also active mentally, reading abstruse work with glee.
Best of all, my enthusiasm has returned. After last year's set-back I've re-discovered joy. Simple pleasures delight me. Staying in touch with friends is a priority. And unexpected experiences pop up frequently. Let me describe a recent one.
A few days ago I was waiting at the light to cross a busy four-lane street. There was lots of traffic. A frail old lady with a cane approached me and asked if I'd help her cross the road. She said she walks very slowly and wasn't sure she'd reach the other side before the light turned. Of course I volunteered to be a tutelary. I didn't mention to her that her eyesight is way better than mine.
I escorted her across. As she predicted the light changed before she could reach the other side. I stopped traffic with my hand and protected her with my body; this enabled her to continue and reach the sidewalk.
I felt unexpected emotions afterward. Surprise that I'm able to help others, not just be a recipient of assistance. And pride at using Badass Biker Confidence to stare down large threatening road-bugs. The only way to safely deal with aggressive motorists is to intimidate them so they back off. And when you're vulnerable on two wheels or two legs, the way to do that is with ATTITUDE. Leonine aplomb.
In the past year I've started to feel younger, so this birthday isn't bad news.