Tuesday, June 4, 2024

A Metaphor For Life

You'll probably find it odd that I still read motorcycle magazines. As Lucy Ricardo used to say, "Ricky, I can explain..."

Enthusiasm is a powerful force. Like simple carbon, with enough intensity and time enthusiasm can crystalize into the diamond of passion. And passion, once rooted, is impossible to dislodge.

This is the time of year bikers feel a stirring. The sound of a motorcycle engine in the distance awakens us. We wonder why we aren't also out on the road. That music quickly increases to a crescendo.

It was incredibly painful to end my 25-year riding career last season. And yet while I can't operate a bike on my own, a foray to the North Fork last Fall on the back of my friend Jaime's tourer proved I can still pull on leather gear, join a ride and savor motorcycling's unique sensory pleasures as a passenger. I may walk into walls off the bike but I can still travel 80 mph on two wheels with a trusted friend up front handling matters for both of us.

So this is why I haven't cancelled my subscription to motorcycle magazines. My passion is still here. This morning I saw a quote from "Season of the Bike," by David Karlotski, that offers a salient metaphor for life:

"Motorcycles tell us the TRUTH -- we are small, and exposed, and probably moving too fast, but that's no reason not to enjoy every minute of every ride." Amen.


  1. Love these photos Ally! And I'm so glad you found ways to still enjoy a cherished hobby.

  2. I'm glad you're still finding ways to enjoy your passion, Ally! xxx

    1. Thanks, Ann. If we're alive we should reach for joy.

  3. I'm glad that there are ways to still enjoy your passion, even if they aren't your most cherished way! I hope you get more trips out with friends. I was terrified the first time I rode pillion on a motorbike (in Java!) and even more so, the first time I rode side-saddle on a motorbike behind someone who was taking up most of the seat (without a helmet!)but really enjoyed it later on in the year when I got over my fear.
    Tell us more about your biking days...if it isn't too painful
    Kezzie xx

    1. Thanks, Kezzie. I like talking about my past exploits and look forward to future rides with my friends.

  4. I don't find anything odd about that. There are different ways we can enjoy our passion...and we should take advantage of that.
