Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Questions Invited

A decade ago I interviewed several bloggers on my blog. I asked them a range of questions tailored to their interests. The resulting posts were fun and informative.

I've lived a long time, during which I've acquired much experience and knowledge. I enjoy sharing that wisdom with people. If anyone wants to ask me questions about anything, I'm game. We can do it here or on your blog. Among possible questions are:

- What brings fulfillment in life?

- What is a good hobby for an adult?

- What's it like to ride a motorcycle?

- What's it feel like to go 140 mph on a motorcycle?

- How do you build a successful business?

- How and when should you retire?

- How can we accumulate wealth?

- What is art and why does it matter?

- What's it like to be transgender?

- How do you cope with a life-changing disability?

Etc.! If interested, e-mail me at



  1. Just emailed you. Looking forward to questions from others and your answers.

  2. Okay, I'll bite. How do you build a successful business, specifically online in today's difficult retail market?


    1. I've studied business for four decades so I can't summarize my knowledge in a brief response to a comment but am eager to share it with you. I'll send you an e-mail describing my thoughts. Some are counter-intuitive but grounded in real experience. I know you know a lot about business but some of these lessons may sound new to you. Hugs!
