Wednesday, February 2, 2022


In 2017 I predicted -- before anyone else and against large odds -- that young Julia Garner would win an Emmy for her outstanding work in "Ozark." She did. Then she won again in 2018. 

If you've seen the new, final season you'll agree with me that Julia is a lock on winning her third Emmy. Wow.


  1. I have this on my Netflix list to watch!

    1. Just remember it's only HALF of the final season.

  2. I actually started this a week or so ago. I blazed through the first two seasons, but by season 3 felt it losing steam. Ruth is the only character left worth caring much about, imo. I'll probably come back around to it, but I saw someone else mention it and Breaking Bad having similar parallels, and honestly? I didn't finish Breaking Bad either.

    It's a GREAT show - also Shameless, I'll toss in the ring too - but it tends to gnaw a bit too close to reality aspects for me.. Not the money laundering, but the Southern, small town, drug addicts, poor/rural families type. On the one hand it can go well (Justified is still one of my fav shows), but sometimes aspects (Breaking Bad) like drugs, drag a show down too much for me to personally enjoy even if the writing and acting is superb.

    I will say I was impressed as I was used to Jason Bateman in much more low-brow roles.

    1. I understand. In trying to depict the despair of struggling regions, storytellers sometimes cut too close to the bone. Those areas are hard to live in, as you know.

  3. I've never watched this show before, but I've been hearing so much about it recently! I'm not very up-to-date with a lot of current shows/actresses, but I'm glad to hear that it sounds like this was fantastic for you. I may need to start it soon :))
    claire @ clairefy

  4. Yes, she is exceptionally talented. In fact, when I've seen her in other things she played those parts so well too that I didn't connect her at first.

  5. I liked the first season but it was a bit of a chore to get through the second, in fact I didn't get through it. So many people have said it is good though so I wonder if I should give it another go. I have to say I found Jason Bateman's flat acting annoying.

  6. I've not heard of it at all!!! Why is that???

    1. I don't know. It is a popular show. The Ozark region is known for being backwoods.
