Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Sharing Photos

Everyone has a camera on them these days (in their phones) so, when you meet up with friends, you end up with multiple portfolios of the encounter. Which is great until you face how to share pictures with each other. E-mail has limited volume and old-school methods (like snail-mail) are too slow.

The resourceful Suzanne taught me something new and useful -- cloud computing. There are Internet sites where you can store your pictures and then simply give your friends access to them. We're using one called Dropbox and it's free.

The pic above is my favorite one of our visit. We asked a stranger to snap it with Suzanne's phone. Getting access to her photos amplifies my joy in recalling our fun time together.

Isn't it a great picture?!


  1. You all look so pretty and happy! I wish I could have been there.
    Yes, Dropbox is great. I use it as a backup for all my photos and documents. And I store my lesson materials there and share material with my students. It's great because you don't need to have your own laptop to access your stuff but you can do it on any computer or on your phone. And your photos/documents are safe even if your computer crashes.

  2. Yes having the opportunity to share photos means *someone* had to have taken a decent photo ; ).

    I'm glad we finally managed to grab someone to take this photo.


  3. It is a wonderful picture! And I'm glad Dropbox is making it easy to share pictures with each other for you!

  4. That is a fabulous picture of you three! I love the cool backdrop.

  5. It's amazing what technology can do. Just about everything. I also use Dropbox and it is quite simple. That is a great picture. Glad you got to capture the experience!

  6. Such a happy occasion that you got to meet each other again. Lovely picture of people sharing their joy.
    I use WeTransfer instead of Dropbox. Is even easier to use (I find).

  7. That's a fabulous photo of you all! And I absolutely love Dropbox. It's great as a backup for my photos and content and as a way to share large quantities of photos with other people. Plus, it's free, as you said! Can't beat that! :)

  8. Awesome photo of the three of you. I think it is amazing what we can do with photos these days ... instant gratification!!!

  9. I know OF Dropbox but never really used it. I like that you can get access to your friend's photos in an easy manner though.


  10. It is !! I love how spontaneous photography can be with camera phones. Okay, some would not consider it photography, but you catch my drift.
    Love this snap, it is very expressive, and you all look beautifu and real.

  11. Great pic!!!! I totally use Dropbox!!!

  12. The colours, the smiles, the people, everything in this photo just makes me happy!
    Dropbox drives me bonkers though. So does the cloud at times. LIke where do the pictures go and then all of a sudden I get hit with a billion pictures of someone's photos. Science. 2017 is the time to be alive :)

  13. Awww, that is lovely! We used Dropbox to share our wedding photos with the family!x

  14. Dropbox is good because you can load larger photo files but it has a limit of storage before you pay. Google photos is unlimited but the photos are compressed which is perfect for a backup. I have 110 gigs of photos on google. Sharing is also super easy and you can message or email a link of specific pics to friends and families. :)

  15. I spy Patti! I like Dropbox well enough. I've used Google drive. These days I do more with text than photography.
