Monday, February 17, 2025

New York

Reading Jimmy Breslin reminds me of the New York of my youth. Back then the city wasn't only dirty and dangerous, it was corrupt. Bribery and patronage were pervasive. In fact public corruption was so entrenched that politicians openly joked about it.

My favorite line is from powerful Brooklyn boss Meade Esposito. Responding to a reporter's question about one patronage scandal Esposito said, "Hey, I didn't go into politics to become a poor man."


  1. "Hey, I didn't go into politics to become a poor man," It makes you think about how different things were back then, or maybe not so different. Hmm...

  2. There are definitely things that haven't changed! Corruption is always there! Xx

  3. Finally someone that's honest.


  4. Hope all is ok with you Ally. xxx
