Sunday, January 14, 2024



People who know me wonder why I follow hockey. I often wonder the same thing. I never played the sport and have only basic understanding of its strategy. Last night's Devils game taught me why I appreciate the sport: for gutsy life-lessons.

This time in the season many teams suffer from injuries. The Devils are no exception: 5-6 of their best players are out, recovering from hits and rough play. This means the guys who are left on the ice are non-stars, mostly very young players striving for a foothold in the NHL.

The Devils faced the hottest team in hockey, not just because they play in Florida. The Panthers were on a 9-game "heater" (win-streak). They possess lethal offensive power. The Devils' weakness this year has been defense and especially goaltending. So everyone expected the Devils to lose; the only way they could win is if untested players cohered into a unified group and played well-above expectations.

They did. And achieved a decisive 4-1 win. In the goal was a new kid fresh out of the minor leagues who was astonishing with over 30 terrific saves (Nico Dawes). 

Lessons? Ignore past history and expectations. Fight every battle as hard as you can, even if they seem insignificant. Look for opportunities. Take chances. Support your friends and hope they support you. Work as a team. Revel in victory!


  1. That's funny about people wondering why you follow hockey. I mean, why follow any sport? Hockey is very popular in Canada and probably the game I know best. Worst game to watch ever in my opinion? BASEBALL. Ugh. It's like watching paint dry.

    Loved all the lessons you pointed out. I'm sure you're the only person in the stands that walked away with that interpretation.


    1. Thanks, pal. In a world that doesn't get me, you do. And you're 100% right about baseball which is why it's dying a slow death.

  2. I don't watch sports often, but I admire professional athletes.
    I try to encourage the love for sports in children.
    I think sports can teach us a lot. I don't know much about hockey as it is not widespread in my country, but every sport teaches a lesson or two.

    I absolutely love the lessons you took from this.

    I will make a mental copy of this:
    " Ignore past history and expectations. Fight every battle as hard as you can, even if they seem insignificant. Look for opportunities. Take chances. Support your friends and hope they support you. Work as a team. Revel in victory!"

    Past should be left in the past. It is good for reflection but bad when it keeps us back. If we overthink the past, we get mentally stuck. Battles must be fought so why not give it our all? Supporting friends is important. Many people talk about not having a support group. But we build our support groups by taking care of others! Sometimes we have to take the first step and believe that others will do right by us.

    1. Absolutely! So nice to see you grasp the lessons I'm sharing. Our lives are enhanced by following them.

  3. You know we watch football (watching playoffs right now), and it's the classic push and pull, the hero and the underdog - these stories inspire us to find parallels in our own lives.

    1. Yup. Beyond athletics, sports offer us subjects to meditate upon.

  4. What excellent lessons to learn from that game! I feel like I want note down and keep your conclusion as it is a powerful message! Well done to the Devils! Kx

    1. Thank you. This illustrates a point I often make: that what happens in our lives is as much due to who WE are as outside forces. Devils hockey is watched by say 30,000 fans; few of them interpret the experience the way I do. They could but most don't. My conclusions from hockey aren't really from hockey but rather a projection of my inner psyche. Thanks for listening!
