Saturday, September 4, 2021

Heirloom Tomatoes

Heirloom tomatoes are delicious. They taste better than ordinary tomatoes and are more nutritious. If you go to local farms, you can find some as big as pumpkins!


  1. I love the variation of flavours in them - as wide as the variation in colour and size! Yum!

  2. While I generally don't seek out tomatoes, I realized this summer how much I miss more rural living! People definitely give you fresh produce. Also fried green tomatoes aren't something you get from the grocery.

  3. Descobri este site essa semana e já estou adorando os conteúdos, são ótimos!

    Parabéns! 👏

    Meu Blog: Blog da Samara Silva

  4. WOW!This is interesting!
    Love: Mariann Yip

  5. we have amazing framers markets out here (the PNW) and I've had more verities of tomatoes and all kinds of things. Yum!

    Karen @For What It's Worth

  6. What a wonderfully delicious looking tom. If you can find heirloom carrots, they're every bit as lovely and bursting with flavour (at least those that I've had from backyard gardens and independent farmers) as their produce stand pals, heirloom tomatoes - plus, they also come in a wide array of beautiful hues.

    Have an awesome weekend, my friend!

    Stellar sounding book, Ally. This is my kind of reading to a tee.

    An author who covers somewhat similar topics - doing so a beautifully eloquent manner - is Canadian Christopher Dewdney. In particular, I cannot recommend his title "Acquainted With The Night" highly enough. It ranks amongst my all-time favouite reads.

    Autumn Zenith �� Witchcrafted Life

  7. Oooh, that looks amazing! We've been eating heirloom tomato, basil and mozzarella sandwiches once a week for the past 6 weeks or so...tomato season is glorious!

  8. I love the baseball for scale :) Living in Jersey, I think buying tomatoes is a rite of passage and I love going to my local farms to pick them up! Reminder that I haven't been to my local Farmers Market in a while!

  9. Yum!!!!! I love a proper tasty tomato, especially a heritage variety. I loved the Black Russian ones I grew last year- they were so delicious- shame they got blight in the end and I lost the latter lot. I also lost practically all my tomato plants to blight this year too but without having had a good harvest first...sob!
