Saturday, February 9, 2013

Adventurous (Wo)men

I came up with the idea for my fashion challenge on the spur of the moment, while basking in the glow of success from wearing the same shirt as both a man and a woman.  Reflecting on the challenge, I realized how deeply insightful the experience could be for anyone adventurous enough to try it.  I have learned SO MUCH from wearing women's clothes the past three years and I want to offer that experience to you guys.

Two courageous gals took me up on the offer -- Megan and Jess.  Both did it right.  Not only did Megan and Jess wear real men's clothing, they did it with an open mind.  Their attitude is perfect and yields interesting insights.

Here's one of the several pictures on each of their blogs.  Go read what they had to say about the experience and see their other photos.  And give them a round of applause for being brave!



  1. Now wait a sec - was there a deadline on this? I was planning a post for tomorrow :)

    They both look great!!

    1. No, of course not, Beth. I'll add links as people join in. I'm looking forward to seeing what you do with this.

    2. Ok, so I didn't quite get their yesterday - but I will soon! I have a fun idea! :)

  2. Wearing menswear or men's clothes in general has a totally different feel. I wish I had taken more photos, but it was so cold! Even in my heavy men's sweater.

    Jess is a total cutie!

    1. I don't know why, but I really like that your picture was taken with you next to a grill.

  3. They both look so cute. I have a few men's sweaters and flannel shirts that I wear all winter, along with some men's Levi's. For some reason menswear is more comfortable for me when I'm doing outdoorsy stuff in the cold weather. I always think it's odd (and unfair!) in our society that women can wear men's clothing and no one thinks twice about it, but if men wear women's clothing there are raised eyebrows (at least from some people).

  4. Dear Ally, I love this! Megan and Jess's posts are AMAZING. I've been keeping up with reading my faves but not with commenting, and I'm so excited about your ways of wearing the motorcycle shirt and ensuing Be A Man challenge! I am way up for it but will be late as usual (buried in work, so for blogging sticking with already-photo'd ensembles this week then away with minimal internet rest of Feb). Looking forward to all the responses!

  5. Both of these ladies did a fantastic job with their transformation (OT, but I so want Jess' shoes!). I really like this challenge and the thinking behind it. With my shaved head these days, when not wearing a wig, I look a bit more like a boy than at any other point in my life. At first I was almost startled by own reflection when I caught a fleeting glimpse of it in a mirror or window (especially since I sort of look like my brother when he's had shorter hair), but I've grown used to it now and really delight in seeing how much more feminine I look once my wig (and make-up) are on.

    ♥ Jessica

    1. I know what you mean, buddy. When I first wore a wig, I was startled -- I look like my mother! I never thought I did until then. Similarly, when I shave my arms, I see freckles on them exactly like my mom had. Covered by male hair, I never realized that.

  6. WOW! I mean WOW!
    Awesome challenge!
    When I first glimpsed at this post I actually thought Megan WAS a guy! Well done!

  7. Wow those two chickies look absolutely amazing!! I love Megan's long-sleeve shirt and her figure looks banging in the men's jeans - actually so does Jane's! A friend of mine, and committed jeans-wearer, recently discovered men's jeans and she's going to make the switch as they're SO comfy, not too tight on the crotch, and make her butt look FABULARSE!!! xoxo

  8. They look awesome :D
    But hey- I did this already before :D You remember? :D
    x, Lara

  9. aah....interesting!!

    for me, I have been wearing, rather me and the brother have been sharing a collection of black tees(having different rock bands on them) for i can definitely say I have been wearing men's clothing for some time now :)

  10. I think it is absolutely crazy how those two can look gorgeous as anything. ;-) Beautiful job, ladies.

  11. Aw thank you so so much =] I seriously loved this challenge and would have never thought to put it up on my blog!! I can't wait to see what other girls do with it =D

  12. They're working it awesomely!!! Off to check out their blogs!

  13. I am working on this, Ally! Hoping to get pics next weekend. Getting The Teen involved, she thinks this will be fun.
